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Branding Kits

A Brand Identity goes deeper than a logo or a color scheme. How customers feel about your brand when they come across you is a piece of your identity. A Brand identity kit can encompass your entire brand, from logos, mission and vision, and more.

Marketing Collateral

Marketing collateral is any media material used to promote your products or services. This includes everything from print materials like posters and flyers to digital content like catalogs and e-magazines. Anything you can use to communicate your company's brand message is considered marketing collateral.

Business Cards

As business cards are part of an introduction, they are important for making a favorable first impression. An attractive, eye-catching business card with all the relevant contact information can capture the attention of your prospect and help you remain in their memory well after your initial meeting. Business cards can also enhance credibility, as they can create a sense of professionalism and legitimacy for your business.

Event Collateral

Whether you’re hosting your own conference or simply manning a booth at your first trade show, there’s a lot of preparation you need to do before the big day. From brochures and banners to signs and sales sheets, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by just how much work goes into preparing all of the various collateral needed for an event.

Pitch Decks

Pitch decks are an important way of providing a visual representation of your company to investors. Typically there are around 10 different categories of information that are covered to provide investors with the information they need to ask questions, analyze the markets, and make investment decisions.

A la carte bonanza

Definition of bonanza

1 mining : an exceptionally large and rich mineral deposit (as of an ore, precious metal, or petroleum)

2 a: something that is very valuable, profitable, or rewarding a box-office bonanza

b: a very large amount a bonanza of sympathy

You may only need one thing, but we guarantee a bonanza.